Saturday, April 28, 2007


On the engagement of
Levi Greenwood (Toronto, Ontario) to Aviva Miller (Albany, NY)

Mazel tov! Mazel tov!

Monday, April 23, 2007


We would like to wish Mazal Tov to Tomer and Rivky (nee Unsdorfer) Meldung (Toronto, Canada) on the birth of their firstborn daughter.

May the newborn be a source of Nachas to her parents, grandparents, relatives and Klal Yisroel.

Sunday, April 22, 2007

Mazel Tov - It's a Boy

We would like to wish Mazal Tov to Eliezer and Chanie Zalmanov (Shluchim to Munster, IN) on the birth of their baby boy.

May the newborn be a source of Nachas to his parents, grandparents, relatives and Klal Yisroel.


The shiur Alef dorm over pesach vacation was infested with rats.
All of the bochurim were asked to leave the dorms.Today one of the boys discovered that the janitor was stuffing all the garbagge bags in the garage instead of bringing it to the dumpster, his complaint was "My van not garbage truck" and witnesses say that the garrage was loaded with many rats.

Torah on the line Disconected

We just got news that the Torah on the line phone line is officialy out of service as of now for monetary reasons.

to check if it was restarted call there # @ (905)-731-7777